
About Hamelin Bird

Hamelin Bird is the author of the supernatural detective novel Double Vision, the dark coming-of-age ode to rock and Faustian bargains, Wayward Suns, the psychedelic horror novella Drencrom, as well as short stories, poetry, and, most recently, the speculative horror-thriller Ambrosia. He grew up in the age of Tarantino, experienced through a Lynchian lens, and cut his teeth watching the good, bad, and ugly of classic and not-so-classic horror films while reading Fangoria and subbing to Asimov’s and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
A life-long devotee of the strange and uncanny, his literary coming-of-age was spent studying the works of Vonnegut, Matheson, Bradbury, and King. Okay, mostly Stephen King. And Ira Levin. And this guy Herman Hesse, way back when. Raymond Carver. Oh, and Kerouac and the Beats. Morrison, Ketchum, Dylan and Lennon and Cobain. And Robert Bloch and Lawrence Block and, well, he’s a literary jazzman, really, exploring different flavors, tempos, and genres while always keeping things weird, a bit unsettling, and, oftentimes, gritty as hell.
He lives and works in North Carolina, where nothing ever happens.